Sunday, May 3, 2009

Terminal Services

Terminal Services Role

Terminal services is Microsoft's thin client solution. The Windows 2003 server does all the processing, and the clients connect from a machine which essentially becomes a dumb terminal. Terminal Services is built into Windows Server 2003, it is not a separate product as it was in NT 4.0. However it lies dormant and you need to install it thought the Add or Remove Programs / Windows Components. You will also need to install Terminal Service Licensing on one of your servers. Check out special group for Terminal Server Licencing in Built-in folder of Active Directory Users and Computers.
The main question is which mode will you run terminal? Remote Desktop for Administration or Application mode.
When you install the programs for Terminal Services check out - special 'Transforms' method. 32 Bit programs should be o.k. Also search websites for scripts to make any non Microsoft applications operate in multi session mode.
Group Policy. There are Group Policies just for Terminal services, e.g. Do not let users accidentally Shut Down the terminal server when they think they are shutting down their own machine!
Permissions. By default every user can access a terminal server, perhaps you wish to change this.

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