Sunday, May 3, 2009

Application Server:

Application Server Role:

The sort of applications that I mean are database, e.g. SQL or web e.g. IIS.

There is rarely any advantage in installing Active Directory on Application servers, and often this combination creates problems as Active Directory and application services fight for resources or control of components. So install Application servers on their own member server.

Authentication is important for all server roles, but fail to tie down permissions on an application server and you could get sensitive company information being made available to everyone. Failure to control security could also invite hackers to attacking your data. So, delve into all aspects of security on your database servers. There are extra hardware considerations for your application server. Pamper your database 'crown jewels' with hardware RAID. Get a trial of clustering. Clustering is technically interesting, is the way of the future and it will take reliability to another level. Convince who ever holds the purse strings that the greater availability and less downtime will pay for clustering.

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