Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Novell Certification ... Certified Novell Administrator

Certified Novell Administrator

Certified Novell Administrator Learning Paths

There are two learning paths for the CNA certification:

1. Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare
2. NetWare 6

Study Option

Certified Novell Administrator: Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare

CNA Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare courses:
3080 - Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare

Certified Novell Administrator: NetWare 6

CNA NetWare 6 courses:
3016 - Foundations of Novell Networking: NetWare 6.5

Test Objective

Certified Novell Administrator: Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare
Test Objectives: 050-696 Foundations of Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare

Certified Novell Administrator: NetWare 6
Test Objectives: 050-686 Foundations of Novell Networking

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