Monday, April 20, 2009

Types of Private Network

Wired Networks
The most common method of networking computers, the traditional wired network, involves using special cabling that is permanently installed throughout the site to connect the desired devices. Wired networks are the most reliable and the most secure and is a leading candidate for best home network.
Wireless Networks
Wireless networks use radio waves to transmit signals through thin air, eliminating the need for network cabling. Isn't modern technology wonderful? When combined with a traditional wired network, the resulting hybrid is the "winner" for best home network.
Phone Line Networks
This type of network involves using the regular telephone lines that are already installed in your home to transmit data eliminating the need for any extra cabling.
Power Line Networks
Although still developmental, power line networks, which use the existing electrical wiring already present in your home to transmit computer data, may be the future of pain-free home networking.

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